Monday, 6 May 2013

Not Really Marine Equipment, But Useful On A Small Sailboat Post No. 5

Dual Eyewear - Bifocal Sport Sunglasses

Since my early twenties I have worn corrective lenses, glasses or contacts, to correct my near sighted vision.  All was good with this arrangement until I hit my fifties when my close vision started to go.  Progressive lenses solved the glasses issue but I like to wear contact lenses for outdoor activities and digging out 'cheater' glasses to read digital camera settings or GPS is a big pain.

I stumbled upon these bifocal sports sunglasses (non-corrective tinted lens with bifocal corrective inset) on the Internet and ordered up a pair.  I am very pleased with the coverage and the bifocal works well and is easy to get used to.  If you look closely in the above photo you may just make out the bifocal bit.   At less than $50 this is a good deal.

Now I can look cool while sailing or cycling or reading a menu.

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